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Appendix B Program Questions to and Answers from the Social Security Administration
Pages 120-129

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From page 120...
... Direct-deposit use by those with and without a representative payee is reflected by the following: Retirement and Survivors payments without a payee 84% Retirement and Survivors payments with a payee 61% Disability payments without a payee 73% Disability payments with a payee 58% Supplemental Security Income payments without a payee 56% Supplemental Security Income payments with a payee 41% 0
From page 121...
... . SSA supports Treasury's comprehensive direct-deposit marketing campaign called "Go Direct." Go Direct is a national campaign to motivate more Americans to select direct deposit for their Social Security and other federal benefit payments.
From page 122...
... 5. Cases involving beneficiaries who are homeless and/or have substance abuse problems can be very difficult for most individual payees.
From page 123...
... (D) of the Social Security Act provide for qualified organizations to collect a fee from the beneficiary.
From page 124...
... Yes, we have produced a booklet entitled "Guide for Organizational Representative Payees" which provides guidelines and suggestions to assist organizations in understanding the representative payment program. Also the pamphlet entitled "A Guide for Representative Payees" is mailed to all those selected as payee and can be requested by any group who wishes additional information.
From page 125...
... Is this true, and is SSA aware that the staff factor this into their decisions in selecting a new representative payee and do not document cases of misuse? First, we want to emphasize that two provisions of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 expand OIG's ability to take action against representative payees.
From page 126...
... 15. What can SSA do about nonreporting representative payees?
From page 127...
...  APPENDIX B SSA makes multiple attempts to obtain the required reports. These attempts may include additional mail requests, telephone contacts and redirecting the beneficiary's payment checks to a local field office to force the payee into the office so that annual reporting can be obtained.
From page 128...
... Misuse is defined as "any case in which a representative payee converts the benefits for purposes other than the use and benefit of the beneficiary." Once a misuse determination is made, RPS has a Representative Payee Misuse Information (RMIS) screen to record misuse information.
From page 129...
... 20. Are there plans to upgrade the RPS to at least a Windows-based envi ronment and to reduce the data entry duplication that field staff com plain about and use as an excuse for not always using the system to its fullest potential?

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