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11 Inner Mongolia
Pages 149-162

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From page 149...
... The institute has a research staff of more than 300, including 42 senior scientists, organized into eight divisions: forage germ plasm resources, grassland resources and remote sensing, grass breeding, grass cultivation, range management, forage grass diseases and pests, animal production, and grassland machinery. Results of this research are published in the institute's journal, Grasslands of China [Zhongguo caodz]
From page 150...
... over five years, 1986-90) , the institute led a nationwide program to collect, identify, catalog, and store forage germ plasm.
From page 151...
... 3. Studies identifying, testing, and storing forage germ plasm resources: In this project, natural and naturalized forage germ plasm resources will be collected from throughout China.
From page 152...
... The ACIAR found that scholars at GRI were sometimes poorly informed about relevant research elsewhere in China and abroad; that they had made insufficient use of World Bank funds to support overseas training and travel or to host visiting scientists and consultants from within China or abroad; that library holdings and current journal subscriptions were inadequate; that the institute had done too little to demonstrate the results of its work to potential consumers; and that the focus on grasslands had involved limited use of animals in grazing and feeding experiments. In many instances, the CSCPRC delegation observed similar tendencies among Chinese grassland scientists to focus exclusively on a particular problem or discipline and ignore related work in other fields or institutions.
From page 153...
... that has a department of grassland science. The college has 700 faculty, including 210 professors and associate professors, and 36~00 full-time students in nine departments: agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agronomy, animal husbandry, animal medicine, food science and technology, grassland science, horticulture, and hydraulic engineering.
From page 154...
... Second, experiments to establish artificial grasslands include one project, funded by the MOA, to develop artificial dry pasture, using species selected from the sandland, and another to select and breed suitable meadow steppe grass in the Chifeng region. Third, Professor Li Dexin described the "Inner Mongolia Grassland Primary Productivity Study," sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture and carried out between 1983 and 1989 in Damao Banner, a desert grassland area 120 hen northwest of Hohhot.
From page 155...
... Each year, approximately 20 scholars and graduate students from Inner Mongolia University conduct field research at the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Research Station in Xilingele (see below)
From page 156...
... Here, as elsewhere, Chinese scholars engaged in grassland science exhibited limited knowledge of or interest in animal husbandry a common feature of science in a country where academic disciplines and experts tend to be highly compartmentalized. The views of this scholar were also strikingly at odds with the policies articulated by Li Yutang, chief of the MOA Grassland Division, who complained that many Chinese grassland scientists focus exclusively on the supply of livestock feed and fail to understand the need to reduce herd size.
From page 157...
... van shengtei xitor~g dingmeishan Location Baiyinxile State Farm, Xilingele League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Address Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Beijing Director Chen Zuozhong Telephone 893831, ext. 285 Fax 8660 13 Cable 3891 Beijing 157 The Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Research Station, commonly called the Xilingele Station, is located on the Baiyinxile State Farm, 70 km south of Xilinhot City (6~3°38'N, 116°42'E)
From page 158...
... During the station's first decade, the following studies were carried out: dynamics of the structure and productivity of grassland plant communities; rates of photosynthesis in individual plants and plant communities; population structure of grassland plant communities; transpiration rate of plant individuals and communities and its role in water balance; structure, dynamics, and population ecology of rodent communities; structure, dynamics, and energy flow of grasshopper communities; ecology of soil microorganisms; transfer of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium between soil and plants; content and transformation of soil nutrients; and nutrient cycling and fertilization.
From page 159...
... , published in Chinese in three volumes, 1985-1988. For a complete collection of abstracts, some full articles, and other related information in English, see Reports from the Inner Mongolia Grassland Ecosystem Research Station of Academia Sinica (1979-1988)
From page 160...
... An overview of the finances of the Xilingele station indicates both the levels of funding and the sources of support available for grassland research in China. The station's parent body, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, provides core support, along with separate funds for competitive individual grants and directed collaborative projects.
From page 161...
... , which supports four projects in the areas of water cycling, nutrient cycling, biomass productivity, and demonstration of existing Xilingele projects to visiting ~7 ~7 1 J groups. Three other sources support the work at Xilingele.

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