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Memorial Tributes Volume 9 (2001) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

Pages 183-188

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 183...
... ROLE LANDAUER 1927-1999 BY ROBERT W KEYES ROLE LANDAUER the source of much innovative thought about computing and computing devices, died on 27 April, 1999, after a short illness. He is survived by his wife, Muriel Landauer, three children, Karen Walsh, Carl, and Thomas, and three grandchildren.
From page 184...
... One depended parametric amplification of oscillators with a negative resistance element. Another used the negative resistance of the recently invented Esaki diode to form a circuit with two metastable states.
From page 185...
... IBM Research became recognized as one of the nation's premier industrial research establishments during the time that Rolf shared in its management. However, he had little time for his first love, physics and its relevance to information processing, and in 1969 he gave up management and was appointed an IBM fellow.
From page 186...
... Thinking on this subject was profoundly altered, however, when Charles Bennett demonstratecl that logical operations can in principle be performed in a reversible way and that therefore information need not be discarded during the computing process. Rolf accepted this argument as injecting a powerful new notion into the subject of energy dissipation.
From page 187...
... He received an honorary degree from the Technion in Israel and was elected to membership in the European Academy of Arts and Sciences. A memorial symposium at the IBM Research Laboratory in September 1993 attended by many colleagues and friends honored Rolf's long career.

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