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Appendix A: Public Law 105-244 105th Congress
Pages 185-203

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 186...
... probability that they will mistakenly be classified as not competent (the higher the type-2 error) , the more they will be discouraged Dom entering the teaching profession.
From page 187...
From page 188...
... The term 'high-need local educational agency' means a local educational agency that serves an elementary school or secondary school located in an area in which there is(A) a high percentage of individuals from families with incomes below the poverty line; (B)
From page 189...
... Implementing reforms that hold institutions of higher education with teacher preparation programs accountable for preparing teachers who are highly competent in the academic content areas in which the teachers plan to teach, and possess strong teaching skills, which may include the use of rigorous subject matter competency tests and the requirement that a teacher have an academic major in the subject area, or related discipline, in which the teacher plans to teach.
From page 190...
... Developing and implementing effective mechanisms to ensure that local educational agencies and schools are able to effectively recruit highly qualified teachers, to financially reward those teachers and principals whose students have made significant progress toward high academic performance, such as through performance-based compensation systems and access to ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, and to expeditiously remove incompetent or unqualified teachers consistent with procedures to ensure due process for the teachers.
From page 191...
... in the case of secondary school candidates, to successfully complete an academic major in the subject area in which the candidate intends to teach or to demonstrate competence through a high level of performance in relevant content areas; and (ii) in the case of elementary school candidates, to successfully complete an academic major in the arts and sciences or to demonstrate competence through a high level of performance in core academic subject areas.
From page 192...
... Implementing reforms within teacher preparation programs to hold the programs accountable for preparing teachers who are highly competent in the academic content areas in which the teachers plan to teach, and for promoting strong teaching skills, including working with a school of arts and sciences and integrating reliable research-based teaching methods into the curriculum, which curriculum shall include programs designed to successfully integrate technology into teaching and learning.
From page 193...
... Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an eligible partnership from using grant funds to coordinate with the activities of more than one Governor, State board of education, State educational agency, local educational agency, or State agency for higher education.
From page 194...
... for followup services provided to former scholarship recipients during the recipient's first 3 years of teaching; or (2) to develop and implement effective mechanisms to ensure that high-need local educational agencies and schools are able to effectively recruit highly qualified teachers.
From page 195...
... Any local educational agency or school that benefits from the activities assisted under this title shall make available, upon request and in an understandable and uniform format, to any parent of a student attending any school served by the local educa
From page 196...
... Increasing success in the pass rate for initial State teacher certification or licensure, or increasing the numbers of highly qualified individuals being certified or licensed as teachers through alternative programs.
From page 197...
... who can demonstrate a high level of competence through rigorous academic subject area tests or who can demonstrate competence through a high level of performance in relevant content areas; (5) increasing the percentage of elementary school classes taught by teachers with academic majors in the arts and sciences or who demonstrate competence through a high level of performance in core academic subject areas; and (6)
From page 198...
... Within 9 months of the date of enactment of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, the Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, in consultation with States and institutions of higher education, shall develop key definitions for terms, and uniform reporting methods (including the key definitions for the consistent reporting of pass rates) , related to the performance of elementary school and secondary school teacher preparation programs.
From page 199...
... (7) A description of each State's alternative routes to teacher certification, if any, and the percentage of teachers certified through alternative certification routes who pass State teacher certification or licensure assessments.
From page 200...
... Publication.>> Special rule. In the case of teacher preparation programs with fewer than 10 graduates taking any single initial teacher certification or licensure assessment during an academic year, the Secretary shall collect and publish information with respect to an average pass rate on State certification or licensure assessments taken over a 3year period.
From page 201...
... The information described in paragraph (1) shall be reported through publications such as school catalogs and promotional materials sent to potential applicants, secondary school guidance counselors, and prospective employers of the institution's program graduates.
From page 202...
... For each State in which there are no State certification or licensure assessments, or for States that do not set minimum performance levels on those assessments(1) the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, collect data comparable to the data required under this title from States, local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, or other entities that administer such assessments to teachers or prospective teachers; and (2)
From page 203...
... 45 percent shall be available for each fiscal year to award grants under section 202; (2) 45 percent shall be available for each fiscal year to award grants under section 203; and (3)

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