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Currently Skimming:

Pages 2-7

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From page 2...
... It should be possible to achieve a thorough understanding of the ways in which stars have fonned in our galaxy over its lifetime of 101 a years, as well as an understanding of the history of the enrichment of our galaxy in ele· ments heavier than hydrogen that resulted as stan exploded and spewed newly formed elements Into interstellar space. By the time the sun condensed 5 X 109 years ago, enough heavy elements had been fonned to provide the solid materitlthat eonstitutes the solar system, including planet Earth, with Its potentiJIIity for life.
From page 3...
... This distance determination depends upon, and Is only as aood as, its startln& point, the distances to nearby standard llan found from the parallax Induced by the Earth's motion about the sun. The lumin
From page 4...
... The LST wiil enable us to tackle the history of star formation and chemical evolution in these galaxies. aasslcal Cosmology Extension of the absolute distance s.:ale 10 times farther out than is presently aualnable means that we shall be able to attack with new precision the clulical cosmological problem, first set out by Hubble, or defining and triCking back in time the expansion or the universe.
From page 5...
... matlcalabWty, vision, and unapnatlon and, above all, by our limited pound· baaed flew of thole im""'112ly diUant pbxlts that form the raw material for
From page 6...
... including vavitational collapse into huge black holes, explosions of mal5ivo stars, and acceleration of particles by large number> of pulsars, these theories are difncuh to test because of current limitations of waveltnJth coverage and angular rooulion. The Ltrge redshifis of quasars have made it possible in many eases to study the far uv spectra from the ground: for quasar> with z"' 2,the lyman" line appears at 3648 A; for z: 3, the Lyman limit is easily visible.
From page 7...
... lfthls has happened with our limited, shuttered view of the universe from th~ cloud-bound earth~s surf~ee, wh11 may happen when we flm llart uslnc the LST? Perhaps our view of the universe wUl be drastically chanaed apln.

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