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Pages 37-40

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From page 37...
... 37   While Chapter 4 introduces strategies that address the five critical objectives identified in Chapter 3, Chapter 5 explains how these strategies -- and the resources provided in Appendix C -- can fit into an organization's planning and implementation processes. Most organizations tasked with improving rural accessibility -- including state DOTs, RPOs, transportation providers, and local governmental or economic development partners -- are involved in some, or all, of the major steps listed in Figure 5-1.
From page 38...
... 38 Access to Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and Education in Rural Areas Resources for Goal Setting to Improve Rural Access Appendix C includes resources that can support goal setting for an organization, regardless of its type: • There are many facets to rural access, including different destination types, population groups, and transportation modes that can support accessibility. Steps 1 and 2 in the Accessibility Evaluation Process Worksheet can guide an organization through the process of establishing a shared understanding about accessibility and defining goals.
From page 39...
... Planning Process 39   Resources for Accessing Funds to Improve Rural Access Some of the resources in Appendix C directly address the issue of securing funds for initiatives focused on rural access, while others can indirectly support the development of funding strategies: • The Funding Strategies and Financing Mechanisms Worksheet can guide an organization through the process of developing a funding strategy. This worksheet includes information on funding mechanisms, fund braiding, and local and state funding sources that can be used to fulfill the local match (often required when federal funding sources are utilized)
From page 40...
... 40 Access to Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and Education in Rural Areas Resources for Monitoring Improvements in Rural Access Organizations can effectively monitor outcomes by leveraging resources in Appendix C: • Organizations can use the Evaluation Process Worksheet and the Evaluation Tools and Data Guided Reference Sheet to select and apply metrics and methods that measure progress toward rural accessibility goals. • In some cases, it may be appropriate to engage stakeholders to collect qualitative feedback on the outcomes of a program or service.

Key Terms

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