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2 Global Food Security Challenge: Sustainability Considerations
Pages 51-94

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From page 51...
... As a result, animal agriculture in the 21st century faces increasing and persistent challenges to produce more animal protein products in the context of an emerging, globally complex set of conditions for sustainable animal production. This, in turn, requires the rethinking of the very nature of animal science.
From page 52...
... A new roadmap for animal science research is required that focuses on animal production but intimately informs and is informed by the broader socioeconomic and environmental conditions of the new century. Thus, animal agriculture and animal protein production must substantially increase in production and efficiency, but in the context of sustainability.
From page 53...
... . Agriculture in the developing world faces inadequate inputs and infrastructure, insufficient agricultural research focused on local environmental concerns, and competition from specialized commercial production destined for distant markets (Sanchez et al., 2007)
From page 54...
... . NIFA, mirroring earlier recommendations of the USDA, proposed a de-emphasis on agricultural research on productivity, efficiency, and innovation, and the creation of activities on renewable energy, obesity, human disease prevention of zoonotic disease (e.g., avian influenza)
From page 55...
... Today's research must carefully consider environmental, health and disease, sociocultural considerations, community welfare, animal welfare, economic and policy constraints and other factors. The needs for current and future global food security cannot be met without greater emphasis and expansion of R&D devoted to productivity, efficiencies, and innovation in animal agriculture.
From page 56...
... . Significant temperature increases and rising drought are projected for much of the global land acres currently devoted to food animal production and crops used to support production worldwide (Parry et al., 2007; Thornton et al., 2009; Meehl et al., 2013)
From page 57...
... In contrast, increased length of the growing season may favor food animal production at higher latitudes (Baker et al., 1993; FAO, 2007)
From page 58...
... services, species types, and social and livelihood implications. Generally, however, intensive systems for feed and animal production tend to produce fewer emissions and use less land per unit of production (Burney et al., 2010; O'Mara, 2011; Herrero et al., 2013)
From page 59...
... Various calculations indicate, however, that appropriate intensive animal production could yield significant environmental mitigation consequences for all agriculture globally (Herrero et al., 2009; Thornton and Herrero, 2010; Havlík et al., 2014)
From page 60...
... Most of these health events were linked to animal diseases or originated in animal products, including avian influenza, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, West Nile fever, sudden acute respiratory syndrome, HIV/AIDS, and Ebola virus. Because of the extensive involvement of animals and their products in these events, animal scientists and animal production sectors have been involved in measures to minimize the spread and impact of these diseases.
From page 61...
... Animal diseases are severely affecting the production of food animals and disrupting regional and international trade in animals and animal products. Such diseases as hand, foot, and mouth disease, African swine fever, blue tongue, and classical swine fever are eminent transboundary animal diseases.
From page 62...
... The appearance of the porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus, for example, in North America presents significant challenges for producers and animal health officers.
From page 63...
... Guidance No. 209 adopted principles that the use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food-producing animals should be limited to uses that are considered necessary for ensuring animal health, and should include veterinary oversight or consultation.
From page 64...
... . It also recommends "developing alternatives to antibiotics in agriculture, noting that USDA should develop, in collaboration with NIH and the agriculture industry, a comprehensive R&D strategy to promote the fundamental understanding of antibiotic resistance and the creation of alternatives to or improved uses of antibiotics in food animals" (PCAST, 2014b)
From page 65...
... . Although proper handling and cooking will prevent the consumer from becoming infected, it is of primary importance that animal science researchers work to identify means to reduce foodborne pathogens.
From page 66...
... . They also play an important role in modern agriculture and in enhancing food security by preventing disease and improving food safety for humans.
From page 67...
... The Farm Animal Integrated Research (FAIR) effort in 2012, which was undertaken to identify key priorities and strategies for the future, noted that the "the use of antimicrobials in animal agriculture has been the source of much controversy in recent years as critics express concerns about antimicrobial resistance.
From page 68...
... . Social concerns cannot be adequately addressed using only traditional animal sciences research approaches (Box 2-3)
From page 69...
... . In 2014, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed an amendment requiring labeling of transgenic salmon if they are approved by FDA for human consumption, although it appears that approval may be moot -- a coalition of 30 consumer, food safety, environmental, sustainable agriculture, public health, and animal health and welfare organizations have successfully lobbied 65 major supermarkets to pledge that they will not sell it.
From page 70...
... . Animal Welfare Concerns about animal welfare increasingly shape the acceptability and adoption of food animal production technologies.
From page 71...
... . A major thrust in the last few years has been the development of animal welfare standards that can be audited to provide assurance that they are being followed.
From page 72...
... , and this information needs to be generated in order to ensure that standards are scientifically based while still addressing evolving social concerns about the treatment of animals. It is clear that animal welfare concerns can rapidly drive major changes in agricultural animal production methods, as is currently happening for egg production in the European Union and United States (Box 2-4)
From page 73...
... This definition, and the associated 10 General Principles for animal welfare adopted by the OIE (Box 2-5; Fraser et al., 2013) will be very important for global trade in animal products because the OIE is the WTO reference organization for standards setting for animal health.
From page 74...
... 5. Air quality, temperature and humidity in confined spaces should support good animal health and not be aversive to animals.
From page 75...
... Protein trade is also subject to disparate phytosanitary inspection practices at international borders which may not be related to food safety but instead are designed to address unrelated political concerns. The trade implications of animal welfare standards are becoming obvious in Thailand, Argentina, and other rapidly developing countries, which are increasing their export markets for animal products by producing according to EU- or European country–specific standards (Bowles et al., 2005)
From page 76...
... . The sustainability of food animal production is particularly affected by existing economic policies (Schillhorn, 1999; Upton, 2004; Otte et al., 2012)
From page 77...
... . In general, food animal development in most countries can improve domestic welfare, help alleviate poverty, and reduce food security concerns if food animal markets operate free of distortive intervention and investments are made in complementary research, infrastructure, and animal health programs to support the sustainable growth of the industry (Jarvis, 1974, 1986; Schillhorn, 1999; Otte et al., 2012)
From page 79...
... that research from the traditional animal science disciplines have served so well. Peterson (2013)
From page 80...
... The sustainability of animal agriculture is further complicated because it involves addressing other inherently challenging problems, such as climate change, animal welfare, and food security. There is a temptation to try to resolve these kinds of complex problems by developing quantitative models.
From page 81...
... 2012. Taming the unruly side of ethics: Overcoming challenges of a bottom-up approach to ethics in the areas of climate change and food security.
From page 82...
... A review of the sustainability of global livestock production. South African Journal of Animal Science 43(3)
From page 83...
... 2013. Advancing Global Food Security: The Power of Science, Trade, and Business.
From page 84...
... 1996. World Food Summit Plan of Action, Paragraph 1 in Rome Declaration on World Food Security.
From page 85...
... Accessed September 25, 2014. FASS (Federation of Animal Science Societies)
From page 86...
... 2011. Global Food Losses and Food Waste – Extent, Causes and Prevention.
From page 87...
... 2013. One health, food security, and veterinary medicine.
From page 88...
... 2011. World Livestock 2011: Livestock in Food Security.
From page 89...
... 2012. A Sustainability Challenge: Food Security for All: Report of Two Workshops.
From page 90...
... 2011. Animal behavior and well being symposium: Farm animal welfare assurance: Science and application.
From page 91...
... A National Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production Report. Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production.
From page 92...
... USDA Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Info Sheet N223.197. Online.
From page 93...
... 2008. European approaches to ensure good animal welfare.

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