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Currently Skimming:

Pages 620-622

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From page 620...
... Washington, DC: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. https://
From page 621...
... emissions and ambient air pollution.1 Most of those CO2 and ambient air-pollutant emissions result from use of fossil fuels, rather than their production and transportation, with methane leaks during natural gas production, processing, and delivery being the most significant exception. Other chapters of this report address the use of fossil fuels (e.g., in buildings, transport, and power production)
From page 622...
... INTRODUCTION Given the fundamental role that fossil fuel combustion plays in producing GHG emissions, the outlook for production, delivery, and use of fossil fuels is central to the success of de carbonization pathways. In 2022, CO2 emissions from consumption of oil, natural gas, and coal in the United States were 2,273 million metric tons (MMT)

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