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Currently Skimming:

Pages 63-66

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From page 63...
... • The "but for" question: What happens when a candidate project is denied federal credit support? Do these projects disappear, are they financed with traditional funding sources, or are they advanced on a limited recourse basis by using other financing sources?
From page 64...
... Key concerns and questions that arose from the conference participants' discussion included the following: • Ability of the federal government to play a role: There was concern about growing U.S. debt levels and reluctance to raise the federal fuel tax and even consider a vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
From page 65...
... The 2010 New Orleans conference explored these options as well as the latest transportation finance instruments. Among them were Build America Bonds, private activity bonds, availability payments, and federal initiatives and economic stimuli, including the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery discretionary grant programs.
From page 66...
... 58 FINANCING SURFACE TRANSPORTATION IN THE UNITED STATES ference, reinforcing the relationship between transportation investment and sustainability and focusing on the local context in southern Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The theme of sustainability was also reflected in the organizing committee's emphasis on engaging the next generation of transportation professionals in the conference.

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