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Currently Skimming:

5 Conclusions and Recommendations
Pages 93-98

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From page 93...
... The Committee determined that while there were a few studies that required animals with characteristics not currently provided or available only in limited numbers by Class A dealers (e.g., naturally occurring infectious disease, larger size, deeper chest, and older age) these specific characteristics are not unique to random source or animals from Class B dealers, and the demand for animals with these specific characteristics appears to be small.
From page 94...
... However, testimony provided to the Committee by USDA officials made it clear that despite new enforcement guidelines and intensified inspection efforts, not all origins of animals are or can be traced; therefore the USDA simply cannot ensure that lost or stolen pets do not enter research laboratories via the Class B dealer system. Furthermore, the administrative and judicial procedures necessary to enforce the AWA and ensure remediation of conditions that cause animal distress and suffering are inordinately slow, cumbersome, and ineffective.
From page 95...
... the Committee identified the following existing options to ensure the continued availability of random source dogs and cats in the absence of Class B dealers: • Direct acquisition from pounds and shelters. Some institutions acquire random source animals directly from pounds and shelters in the three states that mandate pound seizure and from some municipal shelters in the 21 states that have no formal policy.
From page 96...
... , a multicenter collaborative network of 18 veterinary teaching hospitals that provides controlled preclinical trials of new cancer drugs with the goal of supporting the design of human studies. In addition, the Canine Comparative Oncology and Genomics Consortium (CCOGC)
From page 97...
... This mechanism has several merits. Examples of NIH animal-related RFPs include contracts to develop specific animal models, operate NIH animal facilities or other animal facilities that serve NIH, provide quality animals for NIH research programs, develop animal-related reagents that enhance research, and explore the application of animal models to test the efficacy of vaccines or therapeutic regimens, among many others.
From page 98...
... Therefore, if NIH deems random source animals, or their qualities, necessary for research, it will need to explore and support alternatives before these animals become altogether unavailable from either Class B dealers or pounds and shelters.

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