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1 Evolution of the Plan in Response to Community Input
Pages 97-102

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From page 97...
... to review both the draft Ocean Research Priorities Plan (ORPP) and the final ORPPIS.
From page 98...
... b. How could the implementation strategy provided in the ORPPIS be expanded or modified to ensure continuity of community-wide planning and implementation?
From page 99...
... performance assessment structure "is a useful reference" for developing an assessment mechanism for the multiagency efforts to address the research priorities. Similarly, the text states that the Government Performance and Results Act will form the basis for establishing milestones and metrics.
From page 100...
... In future iterations of the near-term priorities, a closer correspondence between the planning and implementation sections of the documents would increase the opportunity for thorough scientific review. An additional concern is that the term marine protected area can be interpreted to apply to a range of management measures, from strict closures to modest limitations on access; therefore, MPA should be defined and used consistently in the description of CAMEO.
From page 101...
... The committee is impressed at the breadth of ocean interests represented by the 25 federal agencies in the JSOST and encourages sustained dialogue among the agencies, particularly in research and budget planning, to allow continued leveraging of limited resources to maximize progress in achieving the priorities. The committee was concerned that in its current manifestation, the implementation strategy indicates uneven participation of the agencies in implementing the nearterm priorities, with most of the effort being assigned to the National Science Foundation (NSF)
From page 102...
... The committee again supports the concept of presenting research challenges to facilitate the identification of more tightly formulated research priorities under each theme and to galvanize the ocean research and policy communities in support of the plan. In its response to the committee's earlier recommendation, the JSOST indicated that it had included such challenges in the "Rationale" section of each theme, but the presentation is not as compelling as it could be.

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