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Pages 10-12

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 10...
... 10 1.1 Research Context Since the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) was signed into law by President Richard M
From page 11...
... 11 processes, especially after the public acknowledgment of concerns with the existing VIA processes. 1.2 Proposed Research For over 30 years, VIA processes have been key tools used by transportation authorities across the United States to anticipate and evaluate the potential visual impacts that may be caused by the construction of transportation projects.
From page 12...
... 12 • Chapter 5: Evaluation Criteria • Chapter 6: Case Studies • Chapter 7: Study Findings and Implementation Plan • References The chapters present the information following the same sequence as the research was conducted, recording a process of discovery that culminated with a comprehensive set of governing directives, foundational concepts, and best practices for conducting VIAs for highway projects. The references section lists references from the literature review and from each case study included in the report.

Key Terms

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