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Currently Skimming:

Pages 134-136

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From page 134...
... 134 Improvements in life expectancy analysis, by implementing the techniques in this guide, undoubtedly will involve some extra investment in data collection, training, staff time, and management attention. Stakeholders making this investment will want to ensure that the investment pays off.
From page 135...
... ensure Implementation: how to Improve Life expectancy Models 135 • Are life extension and replacement decisions accurately timed to avoid interruptions in service while minimizing costs? • Is the agency reducing the annual number of traffic disruptions resulting from planned and unplanned maintenance, repair, and replacement activity?
From page 136...
... 136 estimating Life expectancies of highway assets One criticism of this approach is that it is often difficult to develop the data collection and data management tools while developing the analysis methods and management reports. Agencies often prefer to take it a step at a time, first fully implementing inspection and quality assurance, with very simple management reports, before developing analysis tools such as lifecycle cost models.

Key Terms

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