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Appendix B Ethical Issues in Foreign Health Workforce Assistance Programs
Pages 157-163

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From page 157...
... He spoke about moral and logistical issues involved with sending U.S. health professionals overseas.
From page 158...
... 158 HEALERS ABROAD questions in the design of the program. I don't think you can talk about ethical criteria unless you have some idea of what the program is.
From page 159...
... One would say that this is a sign of a serious inequity. It basically says that the fact that Africa is emptying out its health systems, both nurses and doctors, and they are coming to places like the United States is in part the fault of the rich countries.
From page 160...
... Also we could say that by providing the volunteers, we are partly compensating the countries for the subsidy that they are giving us by sending us their medical graduates. The third one, which is sort of allied to the third view about what this program is about, is to say, yes, there are equity issues here, and there is a solution to the equity issues, which is that the United States will help go to the root causes of the brain drain and the critical lack of qualified personnel by shoring up the health systems.
From page 161...
... Is it less cost effective than what they would be doing with the AIDS program, or are they just coming over because it is better-funded and offers all kinds of other opportunities? So that is a problem.
From page 162...
... 162 HEALERS ABROAD could have done even more good, and you didn't go there." You wouldn't think of saying that. It is amazing that they did as much as they did, and bravo for them.
From page 163...
... But they are examples of what these rules could look like: · Benefit to the host country is the fundamental criterion of adequacy. · Capacity-building over the medium and long term is the primary goal.

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