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Currently Skimming:

Background and Overview
Pages 2-6

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 2...
... to organize a conference on the potential human health risks posed by global climate change, and strategies to address them-such as global health surveillance, public outreach, and education. Members of the NSTC, OSTP and CEQ foliated a working group to develop a preliminary agenda for the conference and later requested that the IOM join in planning, organizing, and conducting the conference.
From page 3...
... Confinuec! Excerpts from remarks at the Conference on Human Health and Global Climate Change, September 1 1, 1995.
From page 4...
... increase nonmelanoma skin cancer in fair-skinned populations by about 10-20 percent. In addition, there will be an increase in the incidence of cataracts and other eye lesions, and cataracts are already the third-largest cause of preventable blindness in the United States.
From page 5...
... These models, which provide an increasingly good fit between theory and observation of past global climate changes, indicate that, in a world with a~roximateIv twice the current concentration of carbon 1 - · 1 ,1 ~1 ~, , 1 1 , a~ox~ae, tne global mean temperature wall increase by I° to 4°C (2° to 7°F) , with significant regional vanations (e.g., somewhat less warning in the Northern Hemisphere due to air pollution)
From page 6...
... Temperature-related changes in the oceans will affect the world's coral reefs and ocean fisheries. Global agricultural production may be unchanged, although increased production in northern latitudes might be offset by decreases in tropical regions where many populations are already malnourished.

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