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Currently Skimming:

Pages 24-26

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 24...
... Traditional tools, including travel demand and microsimulation modeling, have to date not been able to adequately estimate the reliability benefits of projects. As a result, the SHRP 2 reliability products have the potential to fill a void in the ability to analyze reliability impacts and quantify likely benefits of operational strategies.
From page 25...
... operational strategies. SCAG played a very active role in the SHRP 2 L38 evaluation by helping to select facilities for testing, conducting hands-on testing of the SHRP 2 reliability tools, reviewing work products, providing feedback on the tools, and soliciting input from the larger stakeholder group within the region.
From page 26...
... improved incident management. The estimates presented in the SCAG RTP/SCS were based on the Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP)

Key Terms

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