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Appendix B: Biographies of Committee Members and Staff
Pages 248-252

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From page 248...
... Dr. Crook has served on several water reuse advisory panels and has been an adviser to the National Sanitation Foundation, Pan American Health Organization, United Nations Development Programme, and U.S.
From page 249...
... He spent 14 years in Cincinnati, where his last position was as director of the Toxicology and Microbiology Division of the Environmental Protection Agency's Health Effects Research Laboratory. He spent 10 years on the faculty of the College of Pharmacy at Washington State University (1984-1994~.
From page 250...
... He was formerly a professor and acting chair in the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. His areas of research involve microbial and chemical risk assessment, hazardous waste processing, industrial wastewater treatment, waste recovery, and modeling wastewater disinfection and chemical fate and transport.
From page 251...
... He was involved in designing one of California's first major water reclamation facilities (Water Factory 21) and currently directs the San Diego Indirect Potable Reuse Project.
From page 252...
... His book The Northern Forest, coauthored with Richard Ober, won the Vermont Book Publishers Association Book of the Year award in 1995. Dobbs has edited texts on sports physiology, construction, sailing, horticulture, and natural resources issues; he writes frequently for a variety of publications including Popular Science, Forest Notes, Boston Globe, Vermont, Vermont Life, Parenting, and Eating Well.

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