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Currently Skimming:

Pages 32-34

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 32...
... The principal barriers and factors that are holding back higher rates of safety belt use are the following: • Drivers have a cultural or factual misperception about the risks of not wearing belts in normal every day use or in emergency egress situations. • Fleet managers do not employ active, comprehensive approaches to improving safety belt usage rates.
From page 33...
... Be prepared to discipline your best salesperson for failure to observe the law/corporate policy to the same degree as you would your CDL drivers. • If a fleet had one or more fatal or serious injury accidents where the driver was or was not wearing his/her safety belt, the fleet can use non-privileged information from the accidents to convince all other drivers to wear their safety belts (e.g., displaying wrecked trucks on a flatbed, showing videotapes of accident scenes, or having drivers give testimonials.)
From page 34...
... 8.3 RECOMMENDED RESEARCH NEEDS While there is substantial literature on safety belts in automobile use and growing information on usage in the CMV driver environment, the research team believes additional research in the following areas can enhance progress toward significant increases in CMV driver safety belt use: • Develop a methodical, periodic, and statistically sound methodology for measuring safety belt use among CMV drivers. The methodology should account for differing operational types, locations, and driving situations.

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