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Currently Skimming:

Pages 38-43

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 38...
... 39 BACKGROUND AMBER alert is a notification program to help locate missing children believed to have been abducted. The Emergency Alert System (formerly known as the Emergency Broadcast System)
From page 39...
... alert information should be available on all stations anyway, that the participant does not listen to AM radio, or that the term local in the message was more informative to them. For the other descriptor alternatives, TUNE TO RADIO and TUNE TO LOCAL RADIO, the main reason given for not selecting them was that there was not a specific station number provided.
From page 40...
... 41 It is important that AMBER alert messages are designed and displayed on CMSs uniformly across the state. In some state DOTs, there is one person who has the responsibility to coordinate the design and display of AMBER alert messages for the entire state.
From page 41...
... comprehend the messages while traveling at typical freeway speeds. Public Response The reported public response to AMBER alert messages is summarized in Figure 36.
From page 42...
... 43 • We provide detailed vehicle information on half of our CMS displays and direct travelers to our HAR frequency on the others where more complex information and instructions are available (1 TMC)
From page 43...
... information when the AMBER alert is no longer in effect. In addition, there were concerns about the specific message design so that the information displayed on the CMSs does not exceed the reading and understanding capabilities of drivers.

Key Terms

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