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Pages 45-49

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From page 45...
... 45 A market research panel is a sampling technique, and therefore falls within Step 2. Sampling is a critical issue in developing a panel and the appropriate application of panel survey results.
From page 46...
... 46 to members' becoming more attuned to the issue and therefore responding differently than if they had not been on the panel. Adjustments to Reduce Error and Bias Sampling strategies and data weighting are among techniques that can be used to reduce the effects of sampling error in surveys.
From page 47...
... 47 when care is taken in selecting the panel members are and when the research question involves concepts and features, not precise estimates of the population. If precise estimates are needed, a survey using random sampling techniques is necessary to provide reliable results, and research has shown that telephone surveying is still superior to online panels in providing a random and representative sample.
From page 48...
... 48 Step 2, Assembling and Profiling the Respondents Open Panel Membership Panel membership can be closed, where members must be selected to join the panel; or open, where anyone can join. WSF's Ferry Riders' Opinion Group panel is an example of an open membership panel, with on-going recruitment to solicit new members.
From page 49...
... 49 panel research program typically has approximately 0.5 FTE assigned to the program and an annual budget of $100,000– $300,000. It is recommended that, if a vendor is used, a longterm contract be negotiated to smooth out initial start-up costs and possibly lower the vendor's overall charges in return for several years of guaranteed work.

Key Terms

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