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Pages 52-54

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From page 52...
... 52 Conclusions and Suggested Research Conclusions This effort draws attention to the impacts that CAV technologies will have on work zone environments, the full impacts of which are not yet known. The current research and results indicate that more widespread adoption and use of CAVs and supporting technologies in work zones will improve work zone safety.
From page 53...
... Conclusions and Suggested Research 53 conferences, including those hosted by the primary stakeholders. Examples of conferences and meetings to be targeted include the Automated Road Transportation Symposium, the AASHTO Annual Meeting, the Public Works Expo, and the ARTBA National Convention and regional meetings.
From page 54...
... 54 Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones such as NCHRP 10-109, "Modern Solutions to Safe and Efficient Work Zone Travel." The identified gaps were classified into three categories: • Research (R) involves research evaluating technologies, field test evaluations, developing methodologies, and other scientific research related to activities to maximize the benefits of CAVs in work zones.

Key Terms

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