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Currently Skimming:

Pages 568-574

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 568...
... . This increase in hydrogen jobs would help relieve some of the job losses for fossil fuels (estimated at 1.9 million, a 44 per cent decline)
From page 569...
... . A skilled workforce is crucial to industrial decarbonization efforts.
From page 570...
... Coordination and understanding workforce needs will be critical to ensuring that the transition can happen in a way that maximizes benefits and minimizes costs. Additional funding will be required to expand the scope of existing programs -- for instance, by increasing outreach and training to cover additional industrial sectors and applications, and to provide crosscutting support for ongoing and future initiatives.
From page 571...
... Industrial Decarbonization from recent legislation (the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Invest ment and Jobs Act, and the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconduc tors and Science Act) in order to further clarify where, how, and when workforce programs should be initiated to foster capability development for the low carbon future.
From page 572...
... This typology of climate policy approaches illustrates the range of possible approaches in a policy maker's toolbox, from regu latory approaches such as performance standards to market-based approaches such as carbon taxation. Countries that have embarked on decarbonization pathways have used a variety of policy mixes, including fiscal tools such as feed in tariffs or production tax credits, market-based tools such as emissions trading, and regulatory tools such as performance standards to achieve their objectives.
From page 573...
... Some funded programs in the IRA and IIJA are connected to the "Market-Based" cat egory in Figure 10-8, including government procurement programs such as Buy Clean. Production tax credits for hydrogen and incentives for CO2 capture and utilization (such as 45V and 45Q, respectively)
From page 574...
... . The G7 established a Climate Club in December 2022 focused on international cooperation in industrial decarbonization, including strategies for mitigating carbon leakage (e.g., CBAMs)

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