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Currently Skimming:

Pages 6-9

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 6...
... Unforeseen delays account for almost half of the congestion on the nation's roadways. Effective traffic management and operations are the result of a number of different business processes working together.
From page 7...
... Finally, it summarizes the benefits and challenges associated with integrating and institutionalizing processes related to travel time reliability. Additional information from the research is presented in the SHRP 2 L01 report, Integrating Business Processes to Improve Travel Time Reliability (2)
From page 8...
... 3GUIDE TO INTEGRATING BUSINESS PROCESSES TO IMPROVE TRAVEL TIME RELIABILITY INTENDED READERSHIP The intended readership of this guide includes managers within state and local agencies that are responsible for overseeing operations programs for traffic management, maintenance, traveler information, and incident response and management. The content and context of operational processes described here are focused on managers who develop programs, who liaise with internal and external departments within a department of transportation (DOT)

This material may be derived from roughly machine-read images, and so is provided only to facilitate research.
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