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9 Overcoming Existing Barriers to Knowledge Development and Moving to Action
Pages 61-66

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From page 61...
... NATURE AND HEALTH: DRIVING INNOVATION AND IMPACT Presented by Gretchen Daily, Stanford University The Natural Capital Project, said Daily, recognizes the many pathways that link nature and health outcomes and builds on a decade of prior work on easier problems. It is an international partnership involving 100 research institutions and 300 implementing institutions designing the approach to new research problems and informing solutions to those problems through strategic demonstrations in some 80 countries in rural and urban contexts.
From page 62...
... Urban health is an area of focus, particularly urban mental health and its relationship to people spending less time in nature. The approach Daily and her collaborators are taking brings together leaders in a variety of fields, including public health, ecology, other areas of science, and public policy, to map out a way to integrate health-related science into work to inform policy, planning, financial investment, and other activities in key contexts in which health conditions are influenced (Bratman et al., 2019)
From page 63...
... She noted that there is so much momentum behind the agenda for creating more inclusive green development pathways to improve community health. PUBLIC HEALTH PERSPECTIVE ON KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT Presented by Aaron Bernstein, Harvard University Bernstein acknowledged that the health sciences have come relatively late to looking at the intersection of human health and nature.
From page 64...
... Arkema relayed a question from Liz Willetts, from the International Institute for Sustainable Development, on whether the Natural Capital Project has used metrics related to non-economic health impacts that would inform conversations.2 Daily replied that one metric involves quantifying how many people are at risk or are already experiencing poor health outcomes resulting from degradation of or lack of access to nature. The China Ecosystem Assessment, for example, monetized none of the results and looked across all of mainland China at the importance of different places that provided key benefits or prevention of key harms to health (Ouyang et al., 2016)
From page 65...
... Joshua Rosenthal, from the NIH Fogarty International Center, asked Daily what a holistic systems-level valuation of the impacts look like for one of the Natural Capital Project's activities in the Columbia River Basin. Daily replied that the research team found that people do not want a whole system because it is too easy to become overwhelmed.

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