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Currently Skimming:

Pages 65-69

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 65...
... Interim Planning for a Future Strategic Highway Research Program C-1 APPENDIX C BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF RELIABILITY PROJECTS Topic 3–1: Improving the Knowledge Base for Addressing the Root Causes of Unreliable Travel Times Practices to address the root causes of unreliable travel times are scattered and largely undocumented. A substantial improvement in travel time reliability can be made by compiling current best practices and developing application guidelines for practitioners, who often do not have knowledge of the best available technologies and methods, or how to implement them.
From page 66...
... Project 3–2.5: Incorporating Mobility and Reliability Performance Metrics into the Transportation Programming Process The technical procedures for incorporating performance measures into the transportation investment process have not been developed and the effect on traditional capital expenditures has not been determined. This study will determine how performance metrics can be used to develop short- and long-term strategies addressing mobility and reliability.
From page 67...
... capital, installation, and maintenance costs; coverage; signalized highway conditions; data types; and probe vehicle shortcomings. This project will develop and test low-cost technologies for monitoring traffic and roadway conditions in real-time as an aid to operational strategies.
From page 68...
... Project 3–6.1: Identification and Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Highway Design Features to Reduce Nonrecurrent Congestion There are many design features that have been tried in different urban areas which, if incorporated into standard design practices, could potentially reduce nonrecurrent delay caused by incidents, work zones, weather, and special events. This project will evaluate the cost-effectiveness of promising facility designs for reducing delays due to incidents, work zones, weather, special events, and other causes of nonrecurrent congestion.
From page 69...
... Project 3–8.1: Delay and Reliability Impacts of Traveler Information Systems There is a strong need to determine the true impact of traveler information on congestion levels and the associated reliability of travel times. This study will involve extensive field evaluations of already-deployed traveler information systems in dynamic message signs (DMS)

Key Terms

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