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4 Workforce Needs
Pages 82-90

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From page 82...
... NNSA laboratory positions require a substantial ramp-up, both owing to the clear ance process and because they require cross-disciplinary expertise. The ASC workforce draws and will continue to draw on highly skilled talent across computer science, com putational science, mathematics, engineering, and the physical sciences.
From page 83...
... Furthermore, an increasing fraction of U.S. computer science PhDs are awarded to international students.2 This changing demographic of computer science expertise, combined with the fact that a large fraction of emerging talent is choosing to go to industry, provides a smaller talent pool for high-performance computing, scientific/numerical computing, software engineering, and hardware/architecture.
From page 84...
... Other countries have learned from the US and are opening their doors to foreign talent, giving the world's top students an increasing number of options. Furthermore, as other countries invest in their own domestic R&D, internationally mobile S&E students and workers have access to more education, training, and job opportunities in other nations, including in their home countries.5 The NNSA laboratories are experiencing a growing number of barriers in engaging with foreign talent, including restrictions on international collaborations, foreign national visi tors, and hiring foreign nationals.6 3 See, for example, D
From page 85...
... The following paragraphs highlight opportunities related to the nurturing and reten tion of existing staff, strategically growing partnerships, and proactively growing the pipeline. The first area of opportunity is to increase efforts to nurture and retain existing staff.
From page 86...
... Attracting and retaining talented people requires that they feel valued as professionals, connected with their colleagues, engaged in contributing to the science mission goals of ASCR and DOE, and supported in their pursuit of career development opportunities.8 In other words, total compensation goes beyond competitive pay. There are numerous retention incentives that include job satisfaction, making a difference (mission and pur pose)
From page 87...
... In particular, NNSA seeks candidates who demonstrate the skills and potential to form the next generation of leaders in a number of fields via the DOE NNSA Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship program, including mathematics and computational science, especially multiscale and multiphysics theory, continuum numerical simulation, and particlein-cell/fluid hybrid simulation, coupled with an emphasis on using data from advanced experiments to inform and validate simulations and methods. The Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP)
From page 88...
... 12 provides outstanding benefits and opportunities to students pursuing doctoral degrees in fields that use high-performance computing to solve complex science and engineering problems. CSGF's specific objectives are: • To help ensure an adequate supply of scientists and engineers appropriately trained to meet national workforce needs, including those of the DOE, in computational sciences.
From page 89...
... These entities include (but are not limited to) the National Society of Black Engineers; the Association for Computing Machinery's Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing; the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans; the Society of Women Engineers; the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers; the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing; the Emerging Researchers National Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, aimed at underrepresented minorities and persons with disabilities; and career fairs and virtual information sessions at minority serving institutions.
From page 90...
... RECOMMENDATION 3.1: NNSA should make concerted efforts to create an envi ronment that nurtures and retains existing staff; more aggressively grow the pipe line; create an efficient and modern, yet secure environment; advertise and grow existing workforce programs (such as the Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program and the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship) ; and collaborate with other federal agencies to support ambitious talent development programs at all career stages.

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