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Pages 9-13

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From page 9...
... 9 C H a P T E R 2 This chapter presents a summary of literature addressing prolific biofilm development in flow­ ing water bodies that receive surface water runoff from airports conducting deicing operations. Research on the mechanics of key processes related to this topic is limited, as is the existing information that can be used for identifying and evaluating potential controlling factors.
From page 10...
... 10 understanding microbial Biofilms in Receiving Waters Impacted by airport Deicing activities Limited information was found regarding the occurrence of prolific biofilms in flowing water bodies that receive surface water runoff containing aircraft and airfield deicers. For the purpose of this project, "prolific" reflects a level of biofilm growth and accumulation that is substantially greater in abundance than would be expected in the absence of such anthropogenic organic inputs.
From page 11...
... Summary of Literature Findings 11 ultraviolet (UV) light, carbon dioxide, and macronutrients are available.
From page 12...
... 12 understanding microbial Biofilms in Receiving Waters Impacted by airport Deicing activities and that both measurements are important in considering the potential for microbial (bacterial, algal, and fungal) growth.
From page 13...
... Summary of Literature Findings 13 has led to an extensive body of experimental and observational literature examining biofilm growth characteristics and (in some instances) biofilm control mechanisms.

Key Terms

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