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Pages 9-13

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From page 9...
... 9 The three State DOT pilot projects successfully demonstrated several tools and techniques for improving findability that have applicability in other State DOTs. In addition, the pilots shed light on broader organizational factors that support or inhibit progress in this arena.
From page 10...
... 10 Implementing Information Findability Improvements in State Transportation Agencies may be stored in separate repositories apart from completed projects, making it difficult to search across all projects. Many project-related documents have a long useful life; improving cross-project search functions gives users the ability, for example, to find deeds or agreements that were created during a project but continue to be in effect long after the project's completion.
From page 11...
... Opportunities and Challenges for Improved Findability 11 search capabilities. Manually creating metadata for a large body of content can be prohibitively time-consuming and may not yield consistent results.
From page 12...
... 12 Implementing Information Findability Improvements in State Transportation Agencies 3.2 Challenges The most significant challenges that create barriers to improving findability are organizational. All of these challenges were observed during the pilot projects.
From page 13...
... Opportunities and Challenges for Improved Findability 13 resources for findability improvements was not easy, and the need for such improvements wasn't widely understood or accepted. Lack of Information Management Discipline If agencies had clear information management procedures that everyone followed, findability would be much less of a problem.

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