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Botany of Caroline Island Collections by Dr W S Dixon U S N and Identifications by Prof W Trelease
Pages 93-95

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From page 93...
... m., or four minutes after the first contact. This four mmntes covers whatever tardiness the instruments possess, as well as the natural increase of solar heat in the morning, until it was overbalanced by the direct cuttiug off of a portion of the sun's heat.
From page 94...
... the variety of species does not cover a wide range. " The botanical specimens gathered comprise the entire flora of the islet occupied by the United States Eclipse Expedition, excepting two varieties of portulaca, the cocoa-nut palm, pine-apple, papaw, and pandanus.
From page 95...
... "Vine creeping over ground and coral rock; leaves light green." Represented by a frag ment which does not admit of further identification.

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