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Pages 1-4

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From page 1...
... 1   This Guide describes procedures and resources for analyzing the hydrologic impacts of transportation projects as well as the hydrologic benefits and co-benefits of out-of-kind mitigation techniques using a watershed approach. Co-benefits are benefits of stormwater mitigation in addition to the primary hydrologic objectives (e.g., improvements to recreation opportunities or enhancement of climate resilience of water supplies)
From page 2...
... 2 Watershed Approach to Mitigating Hydrologic Impacts of Transportation Projects: Guide Out-of-kind mitigation addresses the negative impact of a transportation project by compensating for that impact using the same metric applied to quantify the impact while also providing co-benefits by improving a different, but related watershed function. In some cases, the most attractive purpose of out-of-kind mitigation could be one or more of the co-benefits rather than reducing the hydrologic impact of the project.
From page 3...
... Introduction 3   Forest restoration and creation. Forest lands can mitigate the hydrologic impacts of transportation projects by slowing runoff primarily because of the presence and roughness of ground cover and infiltration.
From page 4...
... 4 Watershed Approach to Mitigating Hydrologic Impacts of Transportation Projects: Guide Uplands restoration may be in the form of landscape conversion (e.g., from a parking lot to a meadow or a pocket forest or from agricultural land to grassland) or landscape enhancement (e.g., from a sparse meadow with exposed bare earth to a more densely vegetated landscape)

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