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Pages 1-5

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From page 1...
... 1   Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies are currently transforming the transportation landscape and are expected to continue doing so well into the future.
From page 2...
... 2 Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones Project Objectives The goal of this project was to help transportation agencies prepare for the impacts that CAV technologies will have on work zone environments. With this goal in mind, the following objectives guided the research efforts: • Identify the technical needs and potential impacts of CAVs in work zones while also considering the impact of work zones on CAVs.
From page 3...
... Summary 3   The major activities involved in this BCA for CAV work zone applications include the following: • Identify audience, priorities, and scope. • Determine timeline.
From page 4...
... 4 Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones Compared to conventional motor vehicles, CAVs use more advanced technologies that can save lives and improve operations efficiency on the nation's highway system. While the automotive industry pushes toward more advanced CAV technologies, federal and state transportation agencies strive to prepare roadways and other infrastructure for CAV needs and address infrastructure-related barriers to rapid CAV deployment.
From page 5...
... Summary 5   scope; and (3) the ability of that risk to be mitigated.

Key Terms

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