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1 Introduction
Pages 1-6

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From page 1...
... The increasingly interconnected nature of the scientific enterprise makes an investment in a field such as AMO, with its strong enabling component, all the more valuable. Discoveries and applications from AMO science can leverage investments in other areas of physics and science as wed as engineering and medicine.This is a two-way street, however, for .
From page 2...
... It is this magnetic property of the nucleus that made possible magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the 1940s and the magnetic imaging of the human bo(ly in the 1970s.Tissues containing fat and water have typically been the targets for MRI scans because they give large magnetic resonance signals.The most recent development in MRI technology, the incorporation of polarized rare gases, now allows imaging of organs that do not contain much water, such as the lung. It was made possible by AMO research on optical pumping, which also began in the 1940s.
From page 3...
... sources.These new sources, along , with the now fairly common standard _ and compact fluorescent lamps, can be 3 to 10 times more efficient than standard household incandescent bulbs. Even if only some inefficient light sources are replaced with these new sources developed out ofAMO research, a modest 1 percent gain in overall lighting efficiency would lead to a $4 billion annual saving in the nation's energy bib.
From page 4...
... R Ha The atmosphere that surrounds Earth protects us from the harshness of space while providing an environment that sustains __ life.The constituents of the atmosphereatoms, molecules, and electrons exist in a dynamic and delicate balance that is strongly affected by pollution and sunlight.The interplay between pollution and global change global warming and the hole in the stratospheric ozone layer is treated in "AMO Science Protecting the Environment."AMO research not only is providing technology to measure and model pollution and the harm it causes, but it also is playing a critical role in the development of remediation procedures. The genesis of many of the advances required to meet today's national security needs can be found in civilian research programs, and indeed the converse is also true.
From page 5...
... allow the manipulation of one atom at a time.Whether coDicling atoms together or hoisting them in place against natural forces, AMO discovery is providing a glimpse into unexplored aspects of the basic properties of nature that are certain to have a profound effect on how we live tomorrow.

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