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12 How To Achieve These Goals
Pages 180-194

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From page 180...
... The scope of the chemical sciences endeavor is vast, contributing far beyond the traditional aspects of chemistry and chemical engineering. As a consequence, opportunities for fundamental and creative science and major contributions to technology and society will remain in the hands of chemical scientists for a long time.
From page 181...
... CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS The Practice of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Future research for chemical scientists will increasingly involve working in multidisciplinary teams. This means not just analytical chemists with inorganic chemists or chemists with chemical engineers, but chemical scientists working with physicists and electrical engineers to develop electronic materials and devices, chemical scientists working with biologists and physicians in the development of medicines and the understanding of life processes, chemical engineers working with physicians to develop artificial materials and organs for the body, and chemical scientists working with business leaders and resource managers to develop sustainable and profitable processes for our world.
From page 182...
... We should recognize the journalist's need for news that the public can understand and the opportunity that this represents to transmit important contributions of the chemical sciences. Perhaps most important, chemical scientists must communicate more effectively with their elected representatives and other government officials.
From page 183...
... The story must be told to those whose decisions affect the resources needed to solve the challenges that are outlined in this report. These goals in the realm of communication constitute a serious challenge to chemical scientists and engineers to accept an enhanced commitment to professional responsibility and involvement that would provide enormous benefit to their field.
From page 184...
... Some of the challenges are described in this report, but the chemical sciences community must continuously expand the listand always stand ready to accept new ideas and meet new goals. Some of the most exciting advances in science have come from basic scientific exploration, so we must continue to encourage those who simply want to expand the frontiers of fundamental understanding.
From page 185...
... If parents encourage their sons and daughters to take up such careers, and if the public encourages financial support for research and education in chemistry and chemical engineering, then progress can be expected. In a recent poll of the general public conducted by the American Chemical Society,6 chemistry as a career option was ranked third in a list of eight scientific professions, and chemists scored high as visionary, innovative, and results-oriented.
From page 186...
... Indeed, about two-thirds of the members of the American Chemical Society work in chemically related industries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2000, employment in the United States included more than 92,000 chemists and materials scientists, 73,000 chemical technicians, and 33,000 chemical engineers.8 Table 12-2 shows that 7Chemical & Engineering News, 79, 46, 38-39, 2001.
From page 187...
... A recent study carried out by the Council for Chemical Research finds that on average, every $1 invested in chemical R&D today produces $2 in corporate operating income over six yearsan average annual return of 17% after taxes.9 The study also reports a strong linkage of industrial patents to publicly funded academic research. Federal agencies have been the major supporters of research and education in the chemical sciences.
From page 188...
... While there has been an overall steady increase in federal support since 1970, the support for chemistry has lagged considerably behind the overall trend, and the support for chemical engineering has actually decreased. Strong support for chemistry and chemical engineering in the future will be essential for scientific and technical progress both to facilitate new discoveries and to provide the technical workforce that will be needed to sustain the U.S.
From page 189...
... Although their funding cannot replace federal support, the special programs they create are valuable as support for research and education. Other foundations provide extremely valuable support for young chemical scientists at the early stages of their careers when their records of accomplishment may not yet be adequate to let them compete successfully for federal funding.
From page 190...
... It has focused to some extent on these contributions to the United States, but in truth all of humanity benefits from advances in medicines, in a better environment, in energy production and distribution, in materials production, information science, and national security. On the one hand, this report draws attention to the rich intellectual challenge of understanding our world through the chemical sciences.
From page 191...
... While they are goals not yet reached, we propose that they can be realistically addressed with the new and developing strengths in theories and procedures in the chemical sciences. As we continue to push forward the frontiers of science, we will increasingly do so by working with our colleagues in other disciplines.

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