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Currently Skimming:

Pages 157-160

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 157...
... The telecommunications industry accounts, by various measures, for about 1 percent of the economy.
From page 158...
... This "beautiful" book, which Grove wrote when he was not only CEO of Intel but a part-time business school professor as well, described a huge shift from a vertical model to a horizontal model in both the computer and semiconductor industries. In the vertical model -- incarnated by IBM, which for a long time was the computer industry -- there was a huge laboratory that created large portions of the intellectual property involved in the development of computing technology.
From page 159...
... CONCLUDING REMARKS 159 property has to be the answer, so we just create property rights and then leave the scene and let them fight it out.'" But in the telecommunications sector things are not quite that simple, because of the presence of other, related issues -- common property rights, for example, or infrastructure that has to be maintained and compensated. So, while "it's not just a case of private property rules the world," a way had to be found of maintaining common facilities within a market-based approach.

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