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From page 1...
... Thus, from the user's perspective, high-end capability computing means whatever sort of advanced, nonroutine computing system is needed to push the computational science or engineering capabilities of a given field. It will always entail more risk and require more innovation than commodity computing, but not necessarily a novel computing platform.
From page 2...
... Rather, the study is meant to illustrate the sort of examination that any field or federal agency could undertake in order to analyze the HECC infrastructure it needs to support progress toward its research goals, within the context of other means of pursuing those goals. SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR CHALLENGES IN THE FOUR FIELDS Astrophysics A small sample of some of the most important discoveries in astrophysics made in the past decade includes dark matter and dark energy, exosolar planets, and good evidence for the existence of black holes.
From page 3...
... HECC in the atmospheric sciences mainly involves simulations based on the coupled multi­dimensional partial differential equations of fluid dynamics and heat and mass transfer. The fundamental atmospheric processes are driven by a variety of forces arising from radiation, moisture processes, chemical ­reactions, and interactions with land and sea surfaces.
From page 4...
... Observation and experiment continue to be productive modes of inquiry for these major challenges, and because computational evolutionary biology is still young, progress through computational research is still possible with modest computing capabilities. Today, researchers can still investigate many aspects of these major challenges -- pose questions, explore relationships and models, and develop algorithms -- without reaching the level of complexity that calls for HECC.
From page 5...
... Ultimately, HECC holds the promise of enabling more optimal design of complete chemical separation processes. CROSSCUTTING OBSERVATIONS  Chapter 6 gives an indication of the requirements in mathematics, computer science, and computing infrastructure associated with the technical challenges identified in Chapters 2 through 5.
From page 6...
... Adding more species and making more use of genomic data will quickly drive computational evolutionary biology into the realm of high-end computing. Indeed, scalability problems with many a ­ lgorithms and the massive amounts of genomic data to be exploited will soon limit evolutionary ­biology if it does not get adequate HECC resources.
From page 7...
... High-end computational capabilities include whatever mix of hardware, models, algorithms, software, intellectual capacity, and computational infrastructure must be deployed to enable the desired computations. High-end computing platforms are certainly part of that mix, and the most ambitious and progressive computational science may, in many cases, require a new generation of hardware.
From page 8...
... Astrophysics and the atmospheric sciences share two needs: one for new ways to handle stiff differential equations and one for continuing advances in multiresolution and adaptive discretization methods. Astrophysics and chemical separations also share two needs: one for accurate and efficient methods for evaluating long-range potentials that scale to large numbers of particles and processors and one for stiff integration methods for large systems of particles.

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