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7 Thermophysical Properties Division
Pages 38-42

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From page 38...
... The staffing level is approximately 30 NIST FTEs, 7 visiting scientists, and 42 students, postdocs, and contractors. The division's stated mission is to provide the best available measurements, theory, computations, and data evaluation for the thermophysical property information required to enable the development of standards, enhance productivity, facilitate trade, ensure scientific and technological progress, and improve the quality of life.
From page 39...
... ; environment and climate (cryocoolers for Earth monitoring, properties for aerosol formers, carbon dioxide separations in power cycles, carbon dioxide emissions) ; bioscience and health (information infrastructure for biothermodynamic data, terahertz imaging with biological applications, standards for biocalorimetry)
From page 40...
... EXTERNAL INTERACTIONS Most groups within the Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory have substantial interactions with others working in the field, including visiting scientists from other government laboratories, industry, and universities. In addition, they have collaborative interactions with industry groups, university consortia, and joint efforts with other government laboratories.
From page 41...
... In the area of cryogenic technologies, the division provides engineering data, models, and research to support the development of advanced cryocoolers; and measurement methods, tests, and calibration services for flow under cryogenic conditions. The potential impacts of the success in the division's research areas are the precise characterization of complex fluids that are important for industrial applications; detailed thermodynamic information that is vital for fundamental studies on various fluids; a useful computational tool on thermodynamic data that can also be used as a teaching tool; and the expansion of the knowledge base invaluable for expanding the hydrogen economy and the nation's further use of liquid natural gas.

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