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3 Principles and Metrics for Managing Effective Mission-Enabling Portfolios
Pages 31-38

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From page 31...
... Mission-enabling activities are essential to addressing SMD strategic goals, and they are the research foun dation on which the success of the spaceflight program rests. They also provide through theory, modeling, and coordinated research and data analysisthe linkages among the various flight missions, and they independently add to that data to form a cohesive space and Earth science program.
From page 32...
... Opportunities for undergraduate research and an adequate number of graduate fellowships should be available, as well as support for graduate students through NASA grants and contracts. Most important, the universities responsible for training undergraduate and graduate students, particularly experimentalists, should be supported to actively participate in flight programs, including the suborbital program, so that students receive essential hands-on experience that will make them valuable additions to the space and Earth science community.
From page 33...
... Each SMD science division has distinct strategic goals. Some division science plans require a higher level of integration across multiple spaceflight missions; some require longer-term observations relative to those of other divisions; and the nature and expense of spaceflight missions necessarily differ across divisions.
From page 34...
... . While some portions of the mission-enabling budget are in readily identifiable budget lines, other portions are embedded in spaceflight programs and other non-mission-enabling budget lines.
From page 35...
... Since this research is the foundation on which numerical models are to be built and data interpreted, a percentage, perhaps 5 to 10 percent, of all data analysis and modeling fund ing within the division seems appropriate. For Numerical Modeling Sophisticated numerical models are becoming increasingly important in some SMD science divisions.
From page 36...
... It provides opportunities for both workforce and technology development, means to collect complementary observations to support spaceflight programs, and cost-effective means to conduct scientific research for which spacecraft observations are not necessary. The suborbital program should be included as a factor in metrics for other activities, such as advanced technol ogy and workforce development and supporting scientific observations.
From page 37...
... The allocation is expected to vary among SMD divisions depending on the portfolio of missions, the scientific questions being addressed, and the need to involve a broader community of researchers. Metric for Advanced Technology Development To ensure the continuous flow of new technical capabilities (the second guiding principle outlined above)
From page 38...
... (2) The means by which the division intends to satisfy its workforce needs, including providing funding for graduate fellowships, ensuring that both undergraduate and graduate education can occur in universities that actively participate in SMD programs, and supporting hardware programs that will provide hands-on opportunities to train experimentalists.

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