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5 Consolidated Findings and Recommendations
Pages 47-48

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From page 47...
... -- including support for scientific research and research infrastructure, advanced technology development, and scientific and technical workforce development -- are fundamentally important to NASA and to the nation. NASA's mission-enabling activities constitute an integral part of the nation's overall R&D effort, and they play essential roles in maximizing the scientific return on investment in space and Earth science spaceflight missions and in providing a foundation for an effective and robust program for the future.
From page 48...
... The committee is also convinced that having mission-enabling program managers divide their time between mission-enabling activities and duties related to spaceflight programs is desirable and that it improves their ability to be effective in both roles. Furthermore, because NASA center scientists and technologists compete with outside researchers for support for participation in mission-enabling programs, management of mis sion-enabling activities is properly a NASA headquarters, not a NASA field center, function.

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