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A Executive Leadership Selection Process
Pages 23-23

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From page 23...
... 23 A P P E N D I X A Executive Leadership Selection Process High-Level Executive Leadership Selection Process Process Recommended Practices Step 1: Define Position Success Create a success profile that identifies specific leadership competencies (including knowledge, skills, and abilities) while involving top stakeholders Define specific outcomes of the position Align organizational culture that will impact the role Step 2: Create a Selection Committee and Process Develop multi-hurdle selection process Create position selling point and a realistic preview of the position Partner with Human Resources and/or executive search firm Step 3: Recruit and Develop a Diverse Pool Develop talent acquisition strategies that include both internal and external sources and methods targeted toward a diverse pool of applicants Step 4: Evaluate Leverage trained and experienced interviewers Integrate validated staffing assessment tools into the process Conduct structured reference checks Involve top stakeholders in candidate assessments Step 5: Make an Offer and Close the Position Develop a fair and equitable offer Describe the position in a realistic manner Involve the final decisionmaker in the process, not just the Human Resources Department Step 6: Bring On-Board Create a plan to bring the executive on board Assign top performers to serve as mentors Establish regular follow-up conversations or meetings Step 7: Review and Measure Regularly review recruitment practices Identify and reward excellent interviewers Hold all candidate evaluators accountable for the quality of their hires

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