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5 Overarching Conclusions and Recommendation
Pages 105-110

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From page 105...
... As this and previous NRC reports describe, threats to US agriculture from foreign animal diseases (FADs) , zoonotic diseases, and emerging diseases are growing, and it is imperative to establish research, diagnostic, and surveillance laboratory capabilities commensurate with the size and value of the US animal agriculture industry to prevent or mitigate a disease outbreak that could have devastating effects on human and animal lives and livelihoods.
From page 106...
... and BSL-3Ag laboratory space will be needed to continue that research. However, because foot-and-mouth disease research remains critical for the US animal health system, the committee concludes that it will be essential to support PIADC until an alternative facility is authorized, constructed, commissioned, and approved for work with FMDv (Conclusion 4)
From page 107...
... A partnership of a central national laboratory of reduced scope and size and a distributed laboratory network could effectively protect the United States from FADs and zoonotic diseases, potentially realize cost savings, reduce redundancies, and enhance the cohesiveness of a national system of biocontainment laboratories. However, because the cost implications of reducing the scope and capacity of a central facility cannot be known without further information and study, it will be important for DHS to make a good-faith effort to re-examine construction and operating costs of a laboratory of reduced size and complexity.
From page 108...
... is an excellent model of such a distributed network of laboratories and would serve a critical role in a more comprehensive and integrated national strategy. Balanced Support for Infrastructure and Research and Development The committee concludes that it is critical for policy-makers and agency planners to recognize that an effective system for addressing FAD and zoonotic disease threats to the United States consists of more than facilities;
From page 109...
... The United States is fortunate to have significant physical and intellectual assets, both in government and in universities, which could be better used and coordinated to support a national research strategy. In deciding the best path forward, it will be critical for DHS and USDA to consider a holistic approach for developing solutions, one that strikes a balance between facilities costs and the research and development effort needed to protect American agriculture and public health.
From page 110...
... The committee concludes that to most appropriately fill critical laboratory needs in the United States, all factors of concern (including site location, risk assessment, political considerations, adaptability for the future) will need to be considered in a more comprehensive assessment (Conclusion 10)

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