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Currently Skimming:

Executive Summary
Pages 1-4

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 1...
... Data from avalanche accidents show that avalanche activity occurs in about one-third of the states and is a significant hazard in much of the West, where avalanches are the most frequently occurring lethal form of mass movement. Present annual mortality due to snow avalanches exceeds the average mortality due to earthquakes as well as the average mortality due to all other forms of slope failure combined.
From page 2...
... Issues to be considered include safety training, certification standards, the inventory of critical ammunition, spare parts, aging ammunition, ammunition storage and transportation, and the growing problem of lost shells. A conservative calculation suggests that several thousand armed but unexploded military artillery shells deployed for avalanche control now exist in backcountry areas of the United States.
From page 3...
... To assist the federal government in assuming a more active and sustains role, the pane! recommends the formation of a short-lived interagency task force or committee to initiate program coordination among federal agencies having responsibilities related to slope failure, snow research, forecasting centers, and the administration of federal lands containing avalanche-prone areas.

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