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Designing and Analyzing Societal Networks Introduction--Tanzeem Choudhury and Scott Klemmer
Pages 3-4

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From page 3...
... One dramatic change over the past decade is the number of people who carry Internet-connected sensing devices. Smart mobile devices make it possible to monitor health, capture rich media, and access vast information repositories at the touch of a button.
From page 4...
... followed with remarks on the use of crowd computing to harness the power of people for tasks that are hard for individual users or computers to do alone.1 He described prototype crowd-computing systems that he and his colleagues have built: a Word plugin that crowdsources text editing tasks, an app that helps blind people see using a crowd's eyes, and a system for code reviewing by a crowd of programmers. Crowd computing raises new challenges at the intersection of computer systems and human-computer interaction, to improve quality of work, minimize latency, and provide the right incentives to the crowd.

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