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Progress in Self-Driving Vehicles--Chris Urmson
Pages 5-10

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 5...
... Furthermore, the ability to move in, through, and around cities is decreasing as more and more drivers, preferring individual mobility, flood roadways. Yet the importance of personal mobility in the United States is such that when individuals lose the privilege of driving, and the social connections it enables, their life expectancy drops precipitously (Edwards et al.
From page 6...
... Elements of this technology have found their way into lane keeping assist systems, forward collision mitigation braking, and adaptive cruise control systems. DARPA'S GRAND CHALLENGES Much of the on-road automated driving work faded after the successful 1997 National Automated Highway Systems Consortium demonstration.
From page 7...
... THE URBAN CHALLENGE While the Grand Challenge was indeed a grand challenge, the vehicles operated in a world devoid of other moving vehicles: when Stanley, the Stanford vehicle, passed H1ghlander, the Carnegie Mellon vehicle, to claim the victory, H1ghlander was paused and Stanley passed an inert vehicle. The Urban Challenge was thus the next evolution of the DARPA competition, in which the vehicles now had not only to complete the challenge with moving vehicles but also to obey a subset of driving rules that human drivers take for granted (e.g., stay in the lane, follow precedence rules at intersections, avoid other vehicles)
From page 8...
... The onboard software system leverages hundreds of thousands of miles of driving data and machine learning techniques to predict the behavior of other road users. In parallel with Google's efforts, the automotive industry is broadly engaged in the development of advanced driver assistance systems, with the major car companies and their suppliers developing varying degrees of automated driving.
From page 9...
... 2013. Human factors issues associated with limited ability au tonomous driving systems: Drivers' allocation of visual attention to the forward roadway.

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