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Conclusion: The Future of CoCom, Challenges and Opportunities
Pages 102-106

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From page 102...
... In other words, the strategic criteria that outline the aspects of Western security must be geared not only towards the military aspects of national security but must encompass a broader definition of security that includes among other things a) the stabilization of the economic and political reform efforts in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; and by the avoidance of a nuclear disaster caused by inadequate safety standards in nuclear reactors and the drastic reduction of pollution in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.
From page 103...
... As the experience in other areas of the global economy has shown, such asymmetries are likely to lead a process of competitive deregulation that would undermine the real purpose of export controls. However, the redef Ignition of Western strategic criteria and the subsequent streaml ining of the CoCom ~ ist, is only a necessary condition for successful reform, but not a suf f icient one.
From page 104...
... With respect to the latter, CoCom has long been criticized as a secret club in which individual countries wield disproportionate power. A 237 This is also supported by the EC; "the Helsinki process is expected to assist in overcoming the divisions in Europe which prevented the development of normal pol itical and economic ~ inks with the Community, its member States and other Western countries, " Commission of the European Communities, Communication from the Commission to the Council: implications c: f the recent changes in central and eastern Europe for the Commuity' s relations with the countries concerned, op .
From page 105...
... If created under the COCK umbrel la this agency would include the countries from Eastern Europe as well as the Soviet Union. Such an interlocking institution which is structured around openness, transparency, and the capacity to judge each other creates mutual trust and thus becomes is an important part of the new European security partnership.238 The joint membership of East and West in a control and verification agency also addresses the second element that must be part of a reform effort.
From page 106...
... First, with respect to the Western Alliance a more balanced distribution of power will cause less strain among the allies and opens the opportunity for a new phase in the transatlantic partnership. Second, as to the new era in East-West relations, the dramatically reduced military tension will allow the two superpowers to free resources in order to address the problems that each faces in their own country and both confront in the global political economy.

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