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6 Environment and Ecology: Greening the Curriculum, A Public Policy Perspective
Pages 55-59

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From page 55...
... In looking over the information that was sent to me as background for the conference, I read that I should make my presentation from the perspective of someone who is confronted daily with the real-world demands for decisions and policy interpretation relative to environmental issues and what the curriculum through which we educate the food, agriculture, and natural resources professionals for the twenty-first century should provide these young people. I thought about the assignment and then reflected on some of the things that 1 had dealt with over the previous week.
From page 56...
... I would like to take it a step farther, though, and suggest that at the fundamental level of preparing and delivering any college course, whether it is a basic introduction to agriculture or organic chemistry, these megaskills should also be reinforced. I am not suggesting, however, that we need to offer specific classes on problem solving, teamwork, or common sense.
From page 57...
... So the college curriculum should entail the best Uinvolve me" teachers we can find, teachers who incorporate things like cooperative work and study and international travel experiences, mentor programs, and even extracurricular actlvitles. For some time I have believed, and I continue to talk about, the publish-or-perish mindset that Is doing serious damage to our higher educational process.
From page 58...
... The statistics Indicate that our current college students" careers will do the same. Therefore, I would have spent more time learning about the social sciences and would have taken courses In history and philosophy, ethics, political science, and law, because my career today prlmarily focuses around the application of social sciences to the physical science and technology questions that society faces.
From page 59...
... We do not need to be spending our time developing curricula specifically so that we develop national or international leaders and secretaries and assistant secretaries of agriculture, because these issues need to be resolved, insofar as possible, at the local level. We need to develop a program that produces people who appreciate the value of a good education; who understand that good education goes beyond just getting a good job after graduation; and who become school board members and county commissioners, 4-H Club leaders, and people who understand what it means to think globally but to act locally.

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