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Currently Skimming:

Pages 48-51

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 48...
... C-1 Advantages and Disadvantages A p p e n d i x C Ramp Control Considerations Responsible Organization Airport Operator Third-Party Operator Air Carrier Disadvantages Advantages(Benefit) Disadvantages Advantages (Benefit)
From page 49...
... C-2 Guidebook for developing Ramp Control Facilities Facility and Infrastructure Physical location (ramp tower) is desired and a facility is available Potential cost to install necessary equipment and technology No additional cost to build facility N/A N/A N/A N/A Physical location (ramp tower)
From page 50...
... Advantages and disadvantages C-3 Decision to utilize part-time or flexible staffing option (ramp controllers perform other airport operations duties) Personnel may be less proficient and may have a high turnover Seasonal changes may negatively affect morale Flexibility in scheduling personnel; greater coverage with less people N/A -- if contracted by the air carrier; the airport operator will likely have little or no influence in staffing option N/A -- if contracted by the airport operator; staffing requirements will be specified in the contract, but at the vendor's discretion N/A -- airport operator is not involved in the air carrier decision of which staffing option to use N/A -- airport operator is not involved in the air carrier decision of which staffing option to use Technology Ramp tower and virtual tower Cost of technology including installation Provide equal service to all stakeholders If contracted by the air carrier; the airport operator will likely not be impacted by technology If contracted by airport operator, will need to provide technology If contracted by the airport operator; requirements will be specified in the contract If contracted by the air carrier, technology will be provided by the air carrier Airport operator not likely involved in technology decision Airport operator not likely involved in technology decision Technology costs absorbed by air carrier Training Qualification training (e.g., classroom, computer-based)
From page 51...
... C-4 Guidebook for developing Ramp Control Facilities Management Option Which stakeholder is expected to perform ramp control? May require additional staff and cost Responsible for activities at the airport, represents all stakeholders Fairness is rarely in question Process to obtain a thirdparty vendor to perform ramp control If contracted with an air carrier, airport operator typically involved if fairness and equity are a concern Represents the airport operator or air carrier If contracted with airport operator fairness and equity should not be an issue Airport operator typically involved when fairness or equity concerns are expressed by stakeholders Airport operator not typically involved in day to day operation Ramp control activities ensure business model of air carrier is achieved Expected benefits may differ between stakeholders Benefits determined by an airport operator may differ from other stakeholders th Airport operator must deal more intimately wi operational issues of fairness Will ensure airport operator benefits are achieved Typically strives to achieve benefit (equity)

Key Terms

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