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1 Overview and Goals of Workshops
Pages 1-6

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From page 1...
... The objective of the first workshop, titled Lessons Learned from Diverse Efforts to Change Social Norms, was to gather information that could be gleaned from communication campaigns in public health arenas other than behavioral health. Panelists had expertise in basic and applied communication science and experience with communication campaigns focused on changing social norms in issue areas that included HIV/AIDS, youth smoking, gay and lesbian bullying, and epilepsy.
From page 2...
... The objective of the second workshop, titled Opportunities and Strategies to Promote Behavior Change in Behavioral Health, was to provide input for the committee on media, communication, and other types of campaigns aimed at changing attitudes and behaviors related to mental health and substance abuse in the United States and in other countries. Panelists had expertise in the design, implementation, and assessment of such campaigns that enabled them to help the committee understand both the determinants of success and the challenges involved.
From page 3...
... She indicated that the Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act addresses some of the legal disparities between behavioral health and physical health services, but that social disparities remain, which led SAMHSA to this work with the National Academies. Enomoto indicated that SAMHSA is investing in this work with the committee as a bridge to the science that can better inform its messaging and how this messaging can be made more compelling.
From page 4...
... Chapter 2 describes the first panel's p ­ resentations on lessons learned about messaging to change social norms from previous efforts in relevant public health fields. Topics covered include key principles in the design of effective persuasive messages, the influence of message structure and content, behavioral economics and social marketing, and the context and testing of public service announcements.
From page 5...
... Chapter 9 summarizes a lunchtime presentation on the rationale and methods used by the Frameworks Institute to improve communications for public understanding and policy change with respect to child mental health. Chapter 10 reviews potential strategies for implementing change by reaching strategic audiences.

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