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Currently Skimming:

Pages 76-79

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From page 76...
... 76 Step 3: Assess current practice Step 1:Organize for success Step 2: Develop a communications strategy/plan Identify "early wins" Step 4: Understand the hazards and threats Enhance emergency response capabilities Prioritize detailed assessments Undertake detailed assessments Step 6: Implement Strategies and Actions Ste;p 7: Monitor system Performance System Operations Capital Improvements Step 5: Develop Strategies/Actions Figure 5: Resilient Supply Chain Assessment Process Step 4: Understand Hazards and Threats and Their Impacts/Consequences – This step is perhaps one of the most critical in that enhancing supply chain resilience depends on the type and nature of the expected disruptions. This assessment could be comprehensive by looking at all the types of threats and impacts that might be faced, or it could focus on the one or two threats expected to be most likely or most impactful.
From page 77...
... 77 actions will have to be implemented later. Implementation plans would include those actions that can be taken solely by one agency, and those that will require joint efforts, and if so, how the responsibilities will be divided among those involved.
From page 78...
... 78 CHAPTER 7: IMPLEMENTING THE RESULTS OF THIS RESEARCH This report described multiple examples of the impacts that large scale disruptions can have on the nation's transportation system that are essential to supply chains. These disruptions can be caused by natural or man-made disasters, or by deliberate attacks against transportation and information infrastructure.
From page 79...
... 79 Present Results in Logistics/Freight Forums: Most of the publications in the management literature on resilient supply chains focuses on internal procedures and organizational structures of the firms involved. It is important to broaden this perspective to include all the participants in a supply chain disturbance…including public agencies.

Key Terms

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