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6 Test Comparisons and Recommendations
Pages 99-108

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From page 99...
... The committee's recommendations as to how scores from the iden tified tests can be compared or converted to equivalent scores on the HINT; and c. The committee's recommendations for the scores on hearing tests that correspond to a level of functional hearing ability that causes marked and severe functional limitation; whether those scores or outcome measures can be expressed in a form comparable between hearing tests such as percentile or standard deviation from the norm.
From page 100...
... . The data from the McArdle and colleagues study suggest that the WIN and the QuickSIN provide comparable speech recognition performance in terms of the 50 percent point.
From page 101...
... A recent survey of cochlear implant clinical practice found that 100 percent of responding clinics used AzBio sentences testing and 68 percent used speech-in-noise testing to determine cochlear implant candidacy. There were no consistent SNRs1 used for the assessment; 26 percent of clinics reported using +10 dB, 16 percent used +5 dB, and the remaining 55 percent reported using some combination of +5 and +10 dB SNR (Carlson et al., 2017)
From page 102...
... . ALTERNATIVE MEASURES FOR THE HEARING IN NOISE TEST EQUIVALENCE Given the historical use of the HINT sentences for measuring cochlear implant candidacy, post-operative outcomes, and SSA disability determination, it is reasonable to ask which speech recognition measures and conversion factors might be equivalent to the HINT.
From page 103...
... there are no published datasets with large samples collected prospectively describing speech recognition scores across a number of measures, including HINT in quiet, and (2) the characteristics of the HINT sentences and the resultant non-normal, skewed distribution of scores in quiet limits the committee's ability to generate a reliable conversion value.
From page 104...
... Additionally, within the context of determining candidacy for an intervention or for disability status, word recognition tasks will not penalize a listener for being able to "fill in the gaps" using higher level communication repair strategies. That is, word recognition tasks more accurately reflect the transmission of acoustic speech cues through the impaired auditory system.
From page 105...
... The Statement of Task also requests the committee "to identify and recommend generalized testing procedures and criteria for evaluating the level of functional hearing ability needed to make a disability determination in adults and children after cochlear implantation." Based on the information detailed in Chapters 2 through 5 and the committee's professional judgment: The committee recommends using the following presentation level and standardized test setup: • 60 dB SPL (sound pressure level) using hearing technology recom mended for the individual that is functioning properly and adjusted to the individual's normal settings.
From page 106...
... , the committee also notes that additional information from self-report or parent-report questionnaires may be useful for better characterizing an individual's realworld communicative functioning. Examples of such questionnaires, as of this writing, include the Cochlear Implant Quality of Life; the Cochlear Implant Function Index; the Nijmegen Cochlear Implant Questionnaire; the Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults/Elderly; the Communication Profile for the Hearing Impaired; the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit; the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale; the LittlEARS Auditory Questionnaire; the Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (standard and the infant-toddler version)
From page 107...
... 2017. Is the digit triplet test an effective and acceptable way to assess speech recognition in adults using cochlear implants in a home environment?
From page 108...
... 2017. Evaluation of a revised indication for determining adult cochlear implant candidacy.

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