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Appendix A: Statement of Task
Pages 273-274

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From page 273...
... Develop a comprehensive research strategy to advance the frontiers of biological and physical sciences research in space that will include identifying, recommending, and ranking the highest priority research activities, taking into account for each activity the scientific case, international and commercial activities, and opportunities for partnerships. Where feasible and useful, such factors as timing, cost category and cost risk, technical readiness, and technical risk will also be considered.
From page 274...
... As part of its review the committee will consider and address relevant cross-cutting research needs and key aspects of the infrastructure -- including NASA, commercial, and international programs and plans -- that may affect the conduct of research. Potential infrastructure topics that will be considered include: • Where NASA capabilities or ability to assume high risk enable it to uniquely support the research enterprise, and where support roles might feasibly be transitioned to commercial providers; • Roles played by NASA's biological and physical sciences program in supporting the conduct of space research, particularly in light of the mission and capabilities of the International Space Station (ISS)

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